ILCN Conservation Finance Webinar

Over the past century, the public sector was the predominant funder of land conservation projects, creating national parks, national forests and wildlife refuges in countries around the world. More recently, inventive conservation finance practitioners have discovered myriad ways to bring private capital to the effort - for example, funding for non-profit mitigation banks and providing impact capital to fund acquisition and stewardship of working forests and farmlands. The webinar will explore several of these private and civic funding methods in depth. 

This webinar is being moderated by Leigh Whelpton, Program Director at the Conservation Finance Network, and will feature presentations by Peter Stein, Managing Director at the Lyme Timber Company, James Fitzsimons, Director of Conservation at The Nature Conservancy Australia, and John Earhart, Chairman of the Global Environment Fund.  

This is part of a series of ILCN webinars that explore the latest innovations in conservation finance, law and policy, organization and governance, and stewardship. 

This webinar is being hosted in partnership with Yale's Center for Business and the Environment as part of their Nature's Returns series.  

Space is limited, so please register in advance here.

If you are not able to attend the live presentation, the webinar will also be recorded.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler, Project Coordinator at the International Land Conservation Network at