Land and Soil Management Award 2018/19 call is now open!
Farmers, landowners, land managers, groups of farmers, on their own or in collaboration with research institutes, universities and/or private companies can now apply for the Land and Soil Management Award 2018/2019. Deadline for application is 31 December 2018.
The prize rewards land use and soil management practices mitigating soil threats i.e. soil degradation, erosion, reduction of organic matter content, diffuse contamination, and compaction as well as the reduction of soil biodiversity, salinization, sealing, flooding and landslides. In doing so, the award sheds light on outstanding achievements, encouraging new concepts of land and soil protection and their implementation in land management, as well as enhancing awareness about the importance of land and soil functions.
As an interesting fact, in 2010/2011 the prise was won by The Land Stewardship Network, a project run by the member of our project partnership Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (XCT; Land Stewardship Network).